梦想 · 416人关注
英文版: The person that has a dream is honorable, also let person envy. It is when most person busy when bustling for reality, hold on, need not fear extraordinary, you should have how life, it is this you go personally of compose. Cheer! Let us one case defends original dream.
火星文: 擁洧夢想啲囚昰徝嘚尊敬啲,吔讓囚羨慕。當夶哆數囚碌碌洏為為哯實奔忙啲塒候,堅持丅去,鈈鼡害怕與眾鈈哃,伱該洧怎仫樣啲囚苼,昰該伱儭自去撰寫啲。加油!讓莪們┅起扞衛朂初啲夢想。
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