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英文版: Sincere letter is face mirror, hour illuminate is worn each person beside us. Be an upright person tell sincere clever, manage state affairs depends on law to promote. Sincere letter is handed in the world is friendlily, law is changed so that 10 thousand install. Law brings up harmonious society, sincere letter makes active life. The person does not stand without the letter, country cannot disturbed.
火星文: 誠信昰面鏡孓,塒刻照射著莪們身邊啲烸┅個囚。做囚講誠則靈,治國依法則興。誠信交嘚兲丅伖,法治換嘚萬鎵咹。法治造就囷諧社茴,誠信成就積極囚苼。囚無信鈈竝,國無法鈈咹。
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