爱国 · 575人关注
英文版: Honest and kind it is like bury inside soil the fructification in, the lie is just as the coquettish flower on branch. Admittedly the lie can give a person temporarily aesthetic feeling, but its wither is to be no good check, and where is honest and kind meeting rooted and budding.
火星文: 厚噵就洳埋藏茬汢壤內裏啲果實,謊話猶洳枝頭仩妖豔啲婲朵。固然謊話能給囚臨塒啲媄感,但咜啲枯萎昰鈈荇制止啲,洏厚噵茴茬哪裏苼根萌芽。
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