爱国 · 296人关注
英文版: Patriotism also feels with other morality like belief, make the person tends exalted, make he can know the thing that likes real beauty more and more, experience joy from inside the consciousness to beautiful thing, in and exhaust all methods make beautiful thing is reflected acting.
火星文: 愛國主図吔囷其咜噵德感與信念┅樣,使囚趨於高尚,使彵愈唻愈能叻解並愛恏眞㊣媄麗啲東覀,從對於媄麗東覀啲知覺ф體驗箌快圞,並且鼡盡┅切方法使媄麗啲東覀體哯茬荇動ф。
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