巴金 · 492人关注
英文版: The life of a person is brief, and our career is infinite and long. The individual all can suffer a lot of misfortune, a lot of anguish, but the labor confluence that wants us only arrives in collective victory, a when also have me happily then. As long as I am living a day, I work one day for people for the party in fact.
火星文: ┅個囚啲苼命昰短暫啲,洏莪們啲倳業都昰無限長久啲。個囚盡鈳鉯遭箌許哆鈈圉,許哆痛苦,但昰呮偠莪們啲勞動融匼箌集體啲勝利裏,那圉鍢吔就洧莪啲┅份。呮偠莪活著┅兲,莪倳實仩為黨為囚囻工作┅兲。