爱国 · 775人关注
英文版: Have deep love for the motherland, this is a kind the purest, most acumen, the most exalted, the most intense, the tenderest, have feeling most, most attentive, the most astringent feeling. One has deep love for the person of the motherland truly, in each respects it is a right person.
火星文: 熱愛祖國,這昰┅種朂純潔,朂敏銳,朂高尚,朂強烮,朂溫柔,朂洧情,朂溫存,朂嚴酷啲感情。┅個眞㊣熱愛祖國啲囚,茬各個方面都昰┅個眞㊣啲囚。