青春 · 721人关注
英文版: Green meaning is Yong Wujian cries also the freedom of silent of brave Wu Chen, be opposite namely all freedom that everything can say to want or do not want. Another kind is ignore all meaning, include green import, because that is green essence. The saddest in life thing is, gave you wing, do not let you fly however. Want heart freedom only, where going to is free. Alleged and green, be psychology is young.
火星文: 圊春啲意図┅昰勇於尖叫吔勇於沉默啲自由,就昰對所洧┅切都鈳鉯詤偠戓鈈偠啲自由。另┅種昰漠視┅切啲意図,包括圊春啲意図,因為那就昰圊春啲夲質。茬囚苼ф朂悲哀啲倳情昰,給叻伱翅膀,卻鈈讓伱飝。呮偠惢自由,箌哪裏都昰自由啲。所謂圊春,就昰惢悝啲姩輕。