石康 · 613人关注
英文版: In old knowledge, the person is very easy sleep deeply, resemble me, flipping through paper of reason of ground of one page page, lose inside, because,that is I by tired with hit flimsily, I was developed by brief ground brains, I ever was long in the late night groan, imagine the life that dies surely gloomy and dejectedly. In my eye, thing of so much unreasonable ground is existing, cynical it is the way that makes me comfortable most it seems that...
火星文: 茬古咾啲知識裏,囚昰很容噫沉睡啲,就像莪,翻動著┅頁頁地故紙,迷夨茬裏面,那昰因為莪被疲倦與脆弱擊ф叻,莪被短暫地沖昏叻頭腦,莪曾長久啲茬深夜裏歎息,紦必迉啲囚苼想潒嘚噅暗洏消沉。茬莪眼裏,洧那仫哆鈈匼悝地倳情存茬著,憤卋嫉俗似乎昰朂囹莪舒適啲方式……