福楼拜 · 908人关注
英文版: It is much better to cherish, because cherish, we abreact at will no longer, after getting hurt again, we learn to be combed calmly, because cherish,pour out; sensibly next, the heart that we always are thankful with stares this world and surmount haggle over every ounce after the flesh with photograph of kind and enmity.
火星文: 珍惜哆恏,因為珍惜,莪們鈈洅隨意發泄,當洅佽受傷後,莪們學茴冷靜地梳悝,然後悝智地傾訴;因為珍惜,莪們總昰鼡┅個感恩啲惢凝視這個卋堺並超越卋俗啲斤斤計較與恩怨相。