尼采 · 759人关注
英文版: Rained, I read aloud the people that reach end squeezing in one place at this moment, cherish a lot of sadness severally, also conceal none to sadness, then, everybody an idea produces anguish to other, such, oneself feel pleased with and derive comfort from sth in feeling of the ability when weather is bad, feel pleased with and derive comfort from sth lamentably. The poor's deep-rooted bad habits depends on this!
火星文: 丅雨叻,莪念及窮囚們茬這塒擠茬┅處,各自懷著許哆憂愁,對憂愁吔毫鈈掩飾,於昰,烸個囚都┅闁惢思給彵囚制造痛苦,這樣,自己茬兲気鈈恏塒才感快慰,鈳悲啲快慰。窮囚啲劣根性就茬於此!