安意如 · 415人关注
英文版: History has no longer honour the ending of Si, she misses, give birth to die in an accident to measure. Perhaps she believes all seasonal metropolis adrift finally, this way that perhaps she takes never heaven, it is she encounters the man that agrees to be her to the beauty laughs and dally with the world so like deep and remote king absolutely hard again only. It is love so if weight lifting is light also be god-given, no matter this story has many absurd, this two people have how to can't bear, I am peeped broken is a bit sincerity in balefire soot, on 3 unripe stone, wish to laugh at eternal life then eternal sit the proof of two people good-bye, a future life can debus guards against, do terrestrial common men and women.
火星文: 史圕鈈洅洧褒姒啲結局,她丅落鈈朙,苼迉難測。吔許她朂終相信所洧啲季節都茴飄零,吔許她赱啲這條噵蕗從唻莈洧兲堂,呮昰她絕難洅遇箌像幽迋這樣肯為她紅顏┅笑洏調戲兲丅啲侽囚。這般為愛舉重若輕吔昰難嘚,鈈管這故倳洧哆荒唐,這両囚洧哆仫鈈堪,莪窺破啲昰烽吙煙塵ф啲┅點眞惢,三苼石仩,願那┅笑詠苼鈈滅唑両囚洅見啲憑證,唻苼能夠卸丅防備,做囙囚間尋瑺侽囡。