市丸银 · 838人关注
英文版: Like to like the pronunciation of this word very much very much, double, the grain silk that double lip inhales to close closes seam feeling, what spit gently is syllabic if fruity water is lightsome,fall, hit in the small ring that gives out on glass, billows not Jing, the sense that gives me like you is same.
火星文: 很囍歡很囍歡這個詞啲發喑,double,雙唇┅歙┅匼啲紋絲匼縫感,輕輕吐絀啲喑節洳圓潤啲沝滴輕盈落丅,咑茬箥璃仩發絀┅聲啲輕響,波瀾鈈驚,就像伱給莪啲感覺┅樣。