于丹 · 838人关注
英文版: Also be a kind of explanation with vivid opposite allegorically, it tells us, the real joy in the life is interior joy, it has close connection with explicit corporeal life not likely sometimes. The times that Confucius lives, it is a material extremely the times that deficient deficients, in the force with that truly happy times, what also come from the heart is abundant, come from a kind of breeding, come from pair of ideal longing, also come from the compare notes communication between friend and mentor of the friend that be the same as fine.
火星文: 寓訁吔昰對苼活啲┅種詮釋,咜告訴莪們,苼活ф眞㊣啲快圞昰惢靈啲快圞,咜洧塒哏外茬啲粅質苼活鈈見嘚洧緊密啲聯系。孔孓苼活啲塒玳,昰┅個粅質極其貧匱啲塒玳,茬那個塒玳眞㊣快圞啲仂量,吔就唻自惢靈啲富足,唻自┅種教養,唻自對悝想啲憧憬,吔唻自哃良萠益伖間啲切磋交鋶。