尼采 · 461人关注
英文版: Life does not have a purpose, have a process only, so called ultimate goal is windy disengaged the ideal that is a talent, lazy the goodness that is a romanticist. So, I do not deny the Buddhist nun to collect the validity of this word, the question that leave is: Does this kind of person suit to live in current society?
火星文: 囚苼莈洧目啲,呮洧過程,所謂啲終極目啲昰虛無啲閑散昰兲才啲悝想,懶惰昰浪漫主図者啲媄德。所鉯,莪並鈈否認胒采這句話啲㊣確性,剩丅啲問題昰:這種囚適匼茬當紟社茴苼存嗎?