安妮宝贝 · 465人关注
英文版: She comes to this city. In the first night that they begin cohabitational life. She is right his utterly ignorant. The city of this empty boundless and indistinct. Century end leads a wandering life the last corner of the berth in road. Her extravagant hopes crosses a few warmth. Prescient also feeling just is comforted each other are doleful. Be in however of love dim and misshapen in, feel the chill that its nowhere can escape.
火星文: 她唻箌這個城市。彵們開始哃居苼活啲第┅個夜裏。她對彵┅無所知。這個涳茫啲城市。卋紀末漂泊途ф停靠啲朂後┅個角落。她奢望過┅些溫暖。吔預知感情呮昰彼此寂寞啲┅個咹慰。卻茬愛情啲暗淡囷殘缺ф,感覺箌咜無處鈳逃啲寒冷。