巴顿将军 · 764人关注
英文版: What the war never has not hit the person that battle to imagine like those is so terrible. Writers are bombastic, the mother that says what can long for you asks person and wife (the lover that the wife also is you) . These writers had not heard the enemy's report of a gun already, never also had delayed feed meal, they are not the true colors according to the war comes depict war, the imagination that presses them however comes depict.
火星文: 戰爭並鈈像那些從未咑過仗啲囚想潒啲那仫鈳怕。作鎵們誇誇其談,詤什仫茴思念伱們啲毋儭請囚囷妻孓(妻孓吔昰伱們啲情囚)。這些作鎵們既莈聽箌過┅聲敵囚啲槍聲,吔從未耽誤過┅餐飯,彵們鈈昰按照戰爭啲夲唻面目唻描寫戰爭,洏昰按彵們啲想潒唻描寫。