小王子 · 855人关注
英文版: Cornfield and I do not have any correlation, make a person depressed really. Nevertheless, you have the hair of golden color. Want, if you are domestic I, it is good that that should have many! Wheat also is golden color, that meeting makes I remember you. I can like to hear the rumor in cornfield.
火星文: 麥畾囷莪莈洧任何關聯,眞囹囚沮喪。鈈過,伱洧金黃銫啲頭發。想想看,洳果伱馴垺叻莪,那該洧哆恏啊!曉麥吔昰金黃銫啲,那茴使莪想起伱。莪茴囍歡聽麥畾裏啲闏聲。