洪晃 · 976人关注
英文版: Who should the girl ask this choosing only, show her actually which not quite favorite. Good girl waits can dolefully to love; really and bad girl can follow the man of unlike cheerly to hit affection to scold quiet, should play, should eat, should sleep. True love will pass well, true love also does not pass well.
火星文: 囡駭孓呮偠問該選誰,就詤朙她其實哪個都鈈呔ф意。恏囡駭就茴寂寞地等待眞愛;洏壞囡駭茴興高采烮地哏鈈ф意啲侽囚咑情罵悄,該玩就玩,該吃就吃,該睡就睡。眞愛唻叻恏恏過,眞愛鈈唻吔過嘚鈈諎。