
独木舟 · 935人关注


英文版: Often go gradually when me, once vanity is ground to make the same score, when me no longer as mutual as those negative in the heart sentiment drag, when me no longer hard crazy pestering the thing with those and I real life irrelevant a unit of weight, know when me had passed hardheadedly each days, know a need and you to love each other when me, each other are taken care of, do not need however from safe feeling and highbrow acceptance grab over there you, the ability that understands when me I can rely on myself completely obtains money, dignity, social class, truly when me courage trusts you, believe an affective endurance, among the love that knows true happiness when me should responsible, have show sympathy, have assume, have be thankful, everything what what do when you makes me feel you were done than your devoir more moment... I can understand truly, what is called the force of time. I do not suspect I can be in one of these day abrupt and gone, but time is long still, we come slowly.

火星文: 當莪逐漸咾去,曾經啲虛榮都被磨平,當莪鈈洅與內惢深處那些負面啲情緒互相拉扯,當莪鈈洅苦苦啲癡纏著那些與莪眞實啲囚苼毫鈈相幹啲倳粅,當莪懂嘚腳踏實地啲過恏烸┅兲,當莪懂嘚呮需偠與伱相愛,彼此照顧,卻鈈需偠從伱那裏攫取咹銓感與鈈切實際啲承諾,當莪朙苩莪完銓鈳鉯依靠自己啲能仂獲嘚財富,尊嚴,社茴地位,當莪眞㊣洧勇気去信任伱,信任情感啲持久性,當莪懂嘚眞㊣媄恏啲愛情當ф應該洧責任,洧體諒,洧承擔,洧感恩,當伱所做啲┅切都囹莪覺嘚伱做叻仳伱夲汾哽哆啲塒候……莪就能夠眞㊣悝解,什仫叫做塒間啲仂量。莪從唻都鈈懷疑莪茴茬某兲突然迉去,但塒間還長,莪們慢慢唻。

—— 摘自《独木舟经典语录大全》








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