小王子 · 356人关注
英文版: Young prince is returned what remain Miaoquan of a few monkey bread tree unplugged finally. He is a bit distressed. He thinks he also won't come back again. This day, these the daily life of a family make he feels particularly kind alive. When he irrigates a flower for the last time, preparation her well collect carefully rises. His him disclosure should cry.
火星文: 曉迋孓還紦剩丅啲朂後幾顆猴面包樹苗銓拔叻。彵洧點憂傷。彵鉯為彵洅吔鈈茴囙唻叻。這兲,這些鎵瑺活使彵感箌特別儭切。當彵朂後┅佽澆婲塒,准備紦她恏恏珍藏起唻。彵發覺自己偠哭絀唻。