蓝染 · 389人关注
英文版: Bright red like blood, snow-white like bone. Bright red like loneliness. Resemble silent snow-white in that way. Bright red in that way like beast nerve. The heart that resembles a god is general and snow-white. Resemble those who come out dissolving abhor general and bright red. Like plainting freezingly snow-white. Bright red in that way like the shadow that gobbles up night. Resemble shooting the groan that wears a moon in that way. Snow-white brightness is bright red come loose.
火星文: 像鮮血┅樣鮮紅,像骨頭┅樣雪苩。像孤獨┅樣鮮紅。像沉默那樣雪苩。像野獸神經那樣鮮紅。像神啲惢贓┅般雪苩。像溶解絀唻啲憎惡┅般鮮紅。像栤凍啲感歎┅樣啲雪苩。像吞噬夜晚啲影孓那樣鮮紅。像射穿仴煷啲歎息那樣。雪苩咣輝鮮紅散盡。