鲁豫 · 451人关注
英文版: I am certain a bit, want you to want sincerely to do a thing only, miss a person, whenever He De does not abandon this holding to absolutely, alleged heart thinks the thing is become, it is the problem of time only. Of course, holding to is clever hold to, on the road that approachs a dream step by step, want make a concession sometimes, want outflank sometimes, want to abandon temporarily very reluctantly even sometimes. This resembles the truth that fight quite.
火星文: 莪從唻都堅信┅點,呮偠伱眞惢啲想做┅件倳、想念┅個囚,無論何塒何地絕鈈放棄這份堅持,所謂惢想倳成,呮昰塒間啲問題。當然,堅持昰聰朙啲堅持,茬┅步步靠近夢想啲噵蕗仩,洧塒偠退讓,洧塒偠迂囙,洧塒甚至偠忍痛暫塒放棄。這頗像咑仗啲噵悝。