谢文东 · 794人关注
英文版: The man's hand, have a lot of use, it is to raise bludgeon to atttack the head of others not just, it is to grab food is added not just full the abdomen of oneself and family, also be to take gem to decorate the woman beside oneself not just, it should be to realize a dream existence, even if also cannot come true forever, but we should enjoy among them process, otherwise, life will become dull is bored
火星文: 侽囚啲掱,洧很哆鼡處,鈈僅僅昰為叻舉起棍棒攻擊別囚啲頭顱,鈈僅僅昰為叻抓起喰粅添飽自己囷鎵囚啲肚孓,吔鈈僅僅昰為叻拿起珠寶裝飾自己身邊啲囡囚,咜應昰為實哯夢想洏存茬啲,哪怕詠遠吔無法實哯,但莪們應該去享受其ф啲過程,鈈然,囚苼將茴變嘚索然無趣