安妮宝贝 · 343人关注
英文版: A lot of moment, she is a complaisant person that does not have complaint. She feels her loneliness is cold perhaps, but won't easily verbal besides now and then. Now and then she is a sink into person that is immersed in a mood easily. She can make his feeling does not have arrange.
火星文: 很哆塒候,她都昰┅個柔順啲莈洧怨訁啲囚。她感覺箌自己啲寂寞戓者寒冷,但昰鈈茴輕噫訁語除叻偶爾。偶爾她昰個容噫陷入情緒啲沉淪啲囚。她茴使彵感覺無措。