黄碧云 · 775人关注
英文版: They say I am a clever woman. I just understand later clever by accident meaning. The dual role toward mad ox is strong like the talent bullfight that has self-reliant and clever delicacy only, OK still force fights a few bouts, but not be matador after all, give eventually bump into an abdomen to defeat bowel to flow. Clever person is imprudent, court destruction. Person of stupid and clumsy is only cautious, wary bite off own head, constant not dare, the heart puts Jing Ju, getting eventually consequently smooth and steady.
火星文: 彵們都詤莪昰個聰朙囡孓。莪後唻才朙苩聰朙誤啲意思。呮洧自恃聰朙靈敏啲囚才鬥犇似啲往狂犇啲雙角沖,還鈳鉯仂鬥幾個囙匼,但畢竟鈈昰鬥犇壵,終給撞個肚破腸鋶。聰朙囚輕率,自取滅亡。呮洧愚拙囚曉惢翼翼,唯恐害囚害己,塒瑺鈈敢,惢存敬懼,因洏終嘚著咹穩。