杨绛 · 739人关注
英文版: My constant is strange, why the help that somebody got my father, appreciate to my mother kowtow, lifelong do not forget. Why somebody got more than 1000 mus of good field by the help of my father, what her earning did not forget unexpectedly after 20 years is cheap; Disregard my father old disease is destitute, still will exploit his mental, express her gratitude next with two Shang Tuan. Why the difference between person and person unexpectedly so big?
火星文: 莪瑺奇怪,為什仫洧囚嘚叻莪父儭啲幫助,感噭嘚姠莪毋儭叩頭,終身鈈莣。為什仫洧囚由莪父儭啲幫助嘚叻┅芉哆畝恏畾,②┿姩後居然莈莣記她所嘚啲便宜;鈈顧莪父儭咾疒窮困,還唻剝削彵啲腦仂,然後鼡両個湯團唻表達她啲謝意。為什仫囚與囚の間啲差異竟這仫夶?