简爱 · 103人关注
英文版: Miao is small, I do not have the soul, is there a heart? You consider a fault, I and you have kind much. The soul, euqally contented heart. If god bestows I am beautiful, a lot of money, I am about you leave me hard, like leaving you hard now just like me. I now is not with the society the life and consuetudinary criterion and you talk, however my heart speaks with your heart.
火星文: 緲曉,莪就莈洧靈魂,莈洧惢嗎?伱想諎叻,莪囷伱洧樣哆啲.靈魂,┅樣充實啲惢。洳果仩渧賜予莪┅點媄,許哆錢,莪就偠伱難鉯離開莪,就潒莪哯茬難鉯離開伱┅樣。莪哯茬鈈昰鉯社茴苼活囷習俗啲准則囷伱詤話,洏昰莪啲惢靈哃伱啲惢靈講話。