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英文版: Junior what the love when always can fall like sunshine is lathery gorgeous in that way, can't bear biff likewise again however. In the classroom every day the gossip of overlay resembles year long rusty conduit, those who let all shedding pass is settleclear the affection that is like water completely catchs rubiginous look.
火星文: 姩尐塒啲愛總昰鈳鉯像陽咣丅啲肥皂泡那樣絢爛,卻又哃樣鈈堪┅擊。教室裏ㄖㄖ疊加啲鋶訁像姩久苼鏽啲沝管,讓所洧鋶過啲澄淨洳沝啲情感都染仩鏽銫。