安意如 · 172人关注
英文版: In the person's lifetime, after all has such in a moment, bag head sees lunar corona is like water, ming Rujing of heart of days of a very short time, ego consign between Yu Tian ground, I do not have me, he does not have him. Good luck arrives, when standing absolutely dirt predestined relationship, get away and go, good luck is less than, also a moment regains consciousness, see ego regain consciousness unprecedentedly.
火星文: 囚啲┅苼裏,總歸洧這樣啲瞬息,兜頭見仴囮洳沝,霎塒咣惢朙洳鏡,將自莪交付於兲地間,洧莪無莪,洧彵無彵。機緣箌啲,竝塒絕塵緣,抽身洏去,機緣鈈箌啲,吔洧個爿刻清醒,看自莪前所未洧啲清醒。