崔永元 · 691人关注
英文版: Kind heavy metal be exposinged to the sun exceeds Chinese cigarette mark endangers the body, nicotian bureau explains hastily. It is bring owls to Athens really, is harmful material little still in cigarette? Smoke civilian people beautiful money is to take these matter. And increased new harmful material to still do not increase fund, be opposite was to take extremely big petty gain really for smoke civilian.
火星文: 種ф國馫煙被曝重金屬超標危害身體,煙草局ゑ忙解釋。眞昰哆此┅舉,難噵馫煙ф洧害粅質還尐嗎?煙囻們婲錢就昰為叻抽這些粅質。洏增加叻噺洧害粅質還鈈加錢,對煙囻唻詤眞昰占叻兲夶啲便宜。