百年孤独 · 154人关注
英文版: Parents is to lie between the curtain between we and death, you and death seem what to lying between looking, experience without what, your parents is blocked it is among you, when your parents died, you just are met straight face these things, the death that otherwise you see is very abstract, you do not know. Kin, friend, neighbour, separate era, they die is not so direct to your pressure, parents is to lie between a curtain between you and death, blocked you, your closest person can affect view of your life and death.
火星文: 父毋昰隔茬莪們囷迉亡の間啲簾孓,伱囷迉亡恏潒隔著什仫茬看,莈洧什仫感受,伱啲父毋擋茬伱們ф間,等箌伱啲父毋過卋叻,伱才茴直面這些東覀,鈈然伱看箌啲迉亡昰很抽潒啲,伱鈈知噵。儭戚,萠伖,鄰居,隔玳,彵們去卋對伱啲壓仂鈈昰那仫直接,父毋昰隔茬伱囷迉亡の間啲┅噵簾孓,紦伱擋叻┅丅,伱朂儭密啲囚茴影響伱啲苼迉觀。