安妮宝贝 · 859人关注
英文版: Some words need not be spoken surely, perhaps be respective nevertheless those who think is true. Some things need not ask to differentiate, perhaps be respective nevertheless those who think is reasonable. This is worldly which have the person that miss or the thing of err. What always happening is right, their essence is accurate clinking.
火星文: 洧些話鈳鉯鈈必詤絀,吔許鈈過昰各自認為啲眞實。洧些倳情鈳鉯鈈偠求汾辨,吔許鈈過昰各自認為啲匼悝。這卋間哪洧諎過啲囚戓者做諎啲倳。凡昰發苼著啲就昰對啲,咜們精准無仳。