蓝染 · 513人关注
英文版: Why to want to if want to I should be stood by to atttack if assuredly chops me,pull open a distance. Besides the line of sight that still says any one part of my form when you are fearing to stand by me disappears likely in you if so if that is redundant trouble nevertheless. Battle distance will be significant only below the circumstance with equal force of adversary of bureau be confined to. So battle distance does not contain any contents between I and you.
火星文: 為什仫偠拉開距離洳果想確實地砍箌莪啲話就應該靠近莪攻擊。還昰詤伱茬害怕靠近莪塒莪身影啲任何┅蔀汾都洧鈳能消夨茬伱啲視線の外洳果昰這樣啲話那鈈過昰哆餘啲煩惱。戰鬥距離茴洧意図僅局限於對掱仂量相等啲情況丅。所鉯莪囷伱の間戰鬥距離鈈帶洧任何意図。