张小娴 · 162人关注
英文版: Original, photography just is packed one kind of the man. Rich man drives rare house car, the man that does not have money is being taken according to picture machine will attract a woman. The man says he knows photography, like saying to the opposite sex that is acquainted first like the woman oneself can play piano, it is nevertheless in him beautification, as to how much to know, from the start is not a problem.
火星文: 原唻,攝影呮昰侽囚啲┅種包裝。洧錢啲侽囚開名圚房車,莈錢啲侽囚則拿著照像機唻吸引囡囚。侽囚詤自己懂攝影,就像囡囚對初相識啲異性詤自己茴彈鋼琴┅樣,鈈過昰茬媄囮自己,至於懂哆尐,壓根ㄦ就鈈昰問題。