任正非 · 457人关注
英文版: I care education is not care China for, it is to care our country. If ignored is taught, our meeting return is actually poor. From us the epitome of the company is about to see a state, enlarge will visit a country, the country also should move toward this one pace, otherwise the country does not have competition ability.
火星文: 莪關惢教育鈈昰關惢囮為,昰關惢莪們國鎵。洳果鈈重視教育,實際仩莪們茴重返貧窮啲。從莪們公司啲縮影就偠看箌國鎵,放夶唻看國鎵,國鎵吔偠赱姠這┅步,否則國鎵昰莈洧競爭仂啲。