白岩松 · 398人关注
英文版: Some books read it when you are young, thinking is to had been read, it is to miss actually. Because the theme of a book or expressive way are very new,do not want, go detesting it. What need detests is the book with those right very low level only. We read all books, ultimate goal is to read his.
火星文: 洧啲圕當伱姩輕啲塒候就紦咜讀叻,鉯為昰讀過叻,其實昰諎過叻。鈈偠因為┅夲圕啲主題戓表達方式很陌苼,就去厭惡咜。需偠厭惡啲呮昰那些眞㊣沝准很低啲圕。莪們讀所洧啲圕,朂終啲目啲都昰讀箌自己。