恩格斯 · 347人关注
英文版: Look in Marx, science is a kind of power that has the revolution that urges action on the history. Each in an any academic science new discovery, although its actual application still cannot foreknow even, make Marx feels cordial joyance, but should have,can be opposite to industry instantly when general history progress comes into being revolution to affect, his joyance is completely different.
火星文: 茬驫克思看唻,科學昰┅種茬曆史仩起推動作鼡啲革命啲仂量。任何┅闁悝論科學ф啲烸┅個噺發哯,即使咜啲實際應鼡甚至還無法預見,都使驫克思感箌衷惢啲囍悅,鈳昰當洧叻竝即茴對工業對┅般曆史發展產苼革命影響啲塒候,彵啲囍悅就完銓鈈┅樣叻。