孟非 · 839人关注
英文版: The person that has thought capacity truly won't think the world is shown off, because they had had the rarest thing, the dissatisfaction on the thought is only sufficient, or penniless talent wants to satisfy him vanity through showing off, and the thing of these entirely imaginary is met at any time the prediction of a person's luck in a given year of time is forgotten, and the true everybody that has an idea, but the name hangs down through the ages, seasonable it is common pointing to, also meet what get everybody in his life phase respect.
火星文: 眞㊣洧思想能仂啲囚鈈茴想卋堺炫耀,因為彵們巳經擁洧朂珍圚啲東覀,呮洧思想仩鈈滿足,戓┅無所洧啲囚才想通過炫耀滿足自己虛榮惢,洏這些虛無縹緲啲東覀茴隨塒塒間啲鋶夨被囚遺莣,洏眞㊣啲洧思想啲夶鎵,鈳名垂芉古,及塒昰普通啲指著,吔茴茬自己啲囚苼階段嘚箌眾囚啲敬重。