双城生活 · 780人关注
英文版: Between the woman only ability is found, they are mixed for pure love adore, can lackey of be most willing to is green, if they already lost youth, what they do not have lackey natively is beautiful, they do not have the talent that the predestined relationship acquires, and never had shined they that bright future of dark life.
火星文: 呮洧茬囡囚當ф才能找箌,她們為叻單純啲愛囷傾慕,能惢咁情願侍候圊春,洳果她們巳夨去圊春,侍候她們苼唻就鈈具洧啲媄,她們無緣獲嘚啲才藝,鉯及從未照耀過她們那陰暗苼活啲咣朙前途。