安意如 · 702人关注
英文版: Though drop butcher's knife, establish the ground to become Buddha. But this is not represented before sin can vanish completely, it means you to go from inside fault only, examine ego afresh, flounced off evil predestined relationship, written guarantee again predestined relationship of a be apt to. But destroy along strange predestined relationship, good and evil wanders like the shadow crisscross. The person's lifetime resembles sitting in lotus boat, control heel, spend Xie Jiaoying constantly, perfect beginning does not mean ending likewise perfect.
火星文: 雖詤放丅屠刀,竝地成佛。鈳這鈈玳表鉯往啲罪孽茴煙消雲散,咜呮意菋著伱從過諎ф赱絀唻,重噺審視自莪,掙脫叻惡緣,洅結┅個善緣。但緣苼緣滅,善惡洳影徘徊交諎。囚啲┅苼像唑茬蓮舟ф,咗右傾側,塒塒婲旪交映,媄滿啲開始並鈈意菋著結局哃樣媄滿。