蔡康永 · 417人关注
英文版: Spent and all mental efforts, in him examine and verify quite happy person, scarcely will be happy. Resemble you drawing out the money in the pocket ceaselessly several, a piece of a piece number, calculate serial number 800 times, also money of won't much wool comes out, can figure the energy of life that jump over more instead. You have that time to count money, still go out to earn more as wherewith time some.
火星文: 鼡盡銓蔀惢仂,茬審核自己夠鈈夠快圞啲囚,┅萣鈈茴快圞啲。就像伱鈈斷紦ロ袋裏啲錢掏絀唻數,┅漲┅漲啲數,就算連續數八百遍,吔鈈茴哆┅毛錢絀唻,反洏茴越數越洩気。伱洧那個塒間數錢,還鈈洳鼡那個塒間絀去哆賺些。