韩寒 · 222人关注
英文版: I think the Chinese lives the most bitterly all the time, the money that earn is little, difference of the rich and the poor is big, cost of living is high, do not have social security again. I feel to wanted to marry only, everybody is in living to can continue to live, a bit is done not have any life interest.
火星文: 莪┅直鉯為ф國囚昰活嘚朂痛苦啲,賺啲錢尐,貧富差距夶,苼活費鼡高,又莈洧社茴保障。莪覺嘚呮偠結叻婚,烸個囚都茬為能繼續苼活洏活著,絲毫莈洧任何啲苼活趣菋。