李敖 · 207人关注
英文版: In numerous sweet country, in daughter island, what appear and disappear in merman is marine, was full of Yin Rou and smooth atmosphere everywhere, the world does not have a war from now on, leave the beauty of unmanned angle only, the rose of the wasteland of deep and remote Lanhe that accompanying empty cereal, in autumn wind sway li of groan that be the same as sound.
火星文: 茬眾馫國,茬囡ㄦ島,茬囚鱻絀莈啲海洋,箌處充滿叻陰柔囷平啲気氛,卋堺從此莈洧戰爭,呮留丅無囚縋逐啲媄麗,伴著涳穀啲幽蘭囷荒原啲玫瑰,茬秋闏啲吹拂裏哃聲歎息。