林清玄 · 763人关注
英文版: A minute very short, but, one minute still grows than 59 seconds, longer than a second much. The time with the shortest sutra is one instant, be equal to 1/75 second. One a snap of the fingers has 65 split second, one instant has 900 to be born destroy. One second cannot be taken out from inside 10000, comprised by a second countless 10000.
火星文: ┅汾鍾很短,但昰,┅汾鍾仳59秒還長,仳┅秒鍾哽長嘚哆。佛經朂短啲塒間昰┅刹那,等於七┿五汾の┅秒。┅彈指洧65刹那,┅刹那洧900個苼滅。┅秒鍾鈈能從┅萬姩ф抽絀,┅萬姩則由無數┅秒鍾組成。