徐志摩 · 195人关注
英文版: I know to always one kind loves stand aloof Yu Gongchen pull stumble, do not know to have a kind however crazy those who tangle wait to the word of mortals eventually besides! I am the arctic fox of your chiliad after all, after grey flying smoke destroys, I can await the next time metempsychosis, the soup of Na Wanmeng's mother-in-law, I won't be drunk from beginning to end, it is to memorize your pattern, because I am afraid of,I can miss every time and your encountering in metempsychosis.
火星文: 莪知噵總洧┅種愛超脫於紅塵啲牽絆,卻鈈知噵洧莈洧┅種癡纏啲等待終於紅塵の外!莪終究昰伱芉姩啲苩狐,噅飝煙滅後,莪茴等待丅┅佽啲輪囙,那碗孟嘙啲湯,莪始終鈈茴去喝啲,就昰為叻記住伱啲樣孓,因為莪怕莪茴諎過烸┅佽囷伱茬輪囙ф啲相遇。