泰戈尔 · 432人关注
英文版: When god is creating a man, he is the identity of a president, in his bag replete religious discipline and principle; but when he creates a woman, he resigned however the president's post, became an artist, there are one branch paintbrush and a dye only in the hand.
火星文: 仩渧茬創造侽囚啲塒候,彵昰┅個校長啲身份,彵啲袋孓裏裝滿叻戒律囷原則;鈳昰彵創造囡囚啲塒候,彵卻辭去叻校長啲職務,變成叻藝術鎵,掱裏呮拿著┅枝畫筆囷┅盒顏料。