安妮宝贝 · 553人关注
英文版: Young when decadent flow at the form, superficial and not be in a position to do sth, essence is a kind of covet nevertheless. Covet can be solved by time. It is the doubt that has had experience and practice after manhood, the slop of deep-set iciness. Besides seek forcibly flounce off without circumgyrate leeway.
火星文: 姩輕塒穨廢鋶於形式,浮淺洏無由,實質鈈過昰┅種妄想。妄想茴被塒間解決。成姩後咜昰洧過經驗囷實踐啲疑問,深陷栤冷啲苨漿。除叻鼡仂尋求掙脫莈洧囙轉餘地。