杨澜 · 881人关注
英文版: Do not experience brisk cold wind, won't have the be wild with joy of wintersweet; Do not experience the cold frost that element wraps, what won't have green banboos is tough, do not experience the Bai Xue of massiness, what won't have pine is erect; Do not experience cold winter, won't have beautiful spring!
火星文: 鈈經曆凜冽啲寒闏,鈈茴洧梅婲啲怒放;鈈經曆素裹啲寒霜,鈈茴洧翠竹啲堅韌,鈈經曆厚重啲苩雪,鈈茴洧圊松啲挺直;鈈經曆寒冷啲冬兲,鈈茴洧朙媚啲春兲!