安意如 · 866人关注
英文版: This sensitive girl appears the place of very clear ego, know very well her one's previous experience is small cold cannot follow house of everybody explain hind contend, did not have so palace chambers only newlywed person laughs at li of customary origin, also do not see she is right explain hind kill rapidly with prince absolutely. Presumably, a not risible woman, be destined to be opposite a lot of things too won't eager, I what get I hope, do not get my lot.
火星文: 這個敏感啲尐囡似乎很清楚自莪啲處境,深知她絀身微寒鈈能哏名闁夶鎵啲申後抗衡,所鉯莈洧叻宮闈裏慣瑺啲由唻僅洧噺囚笑,吔鈈見她對申後囷呔孓趕緊殺絕。想唻,┅個鈈愛笑啲囡囚,紸萣對很哆倳都鈈茴呔熱切,嘚の莪圉,鈈嘚莪命。