海明威 · 741人关注
英文版: Love is a game, resemble playing bridge same. Nevertheless this is not to play a card, however call. Resemble bridge same, you must pretend you are to gambling, or it is for what anything else and bet. Mention without the person what is the ante below.
火星文: 愛情昰┅場遊戲,就像咑橋牌┅樣。鈈過這鈈昰玩牌,洏昰叫牌。就像橋牌┅樣,伱嘚假裝作伱昰茬賭錢,戓昰為叻什仫別啲東覀洏咑賭。莈洧囚提起丅啲賭紸昰什仫。